Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In short, just because. The idea of blogging came to me late one night when I was all alone in my dorm room with racing thoughts and no way to articulate them. Thats when I decided that I need a blog. The main purpose of this blog is to essentially put "pen to paper" and publish my thoughts in some way that will be accessible to others. I feel my discourses may be beneficial to others, and likely myself. As the title says, this is my manifesto, composed of my cynical critiques of societies short comings, promotion of independent music and cinema, and whatever else I deem to be a necessary topic of discussion. As a fair warning, you can expect it to be controversial and you can expect it to be offensive, so be prepared. If you are able to keep an open minded approach, you might just learn something!

Why am I doing this anonymously?

Well, why not? What do I possibly stand to gain from using my real name? Most companies do a quick google search of people's names before hiring, so it is best not to draw negative attention to your name on the internet. Also, I despise the idea of attention craving people on the internet. I feel most blogs, twitters, youtube accounts, and the like are all filled with people craving attention, when in fact, NOBODY GIVES A MAD ASS FUCK!! So by extension, anonymity allows one to say what they want and mean what they say without fear of consequence or retribution. Anonymity is the ONLY way to be free of judgement based on race, stereotype, gender, etc.

" Anonymous has no face, no race and no origin. Anonymous is a force and as such, simply is.
Anonymous is not I, you, or we. Anonymous is all without name, blame, and restraint.
Anonymous cannot be hurt, damaged, or stopped. Anonymous grows at a rate that only itself can comprehend.
Anonymous has no leader, no organization. Anonymous is a wandering mass of both order and chaos.
Anonymous is here, Anonymous is now, Anonymous will always be.
Anonymous has another among its unfathomable ranks.
Anonymous is Legion, Anonymous is Immortal."


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