Thursday, May 13, 2010

Summer Movies

One of my favorite things about the summer season is the Movies. Summer 2010, looks to be somewhat promising as far as movies go. However, don't expect any major blockbusters like last summer's transformers or Harry Potter.

Iron Man 2
See it! Go as soon as possible. It's every bit as good as the first. Robert Downey Jr. and Mickey Rourke are two of the best actors ever and they do an excellent job as ever. I love comic book super hero movies, and after Batman and Dr. Manhattan, Iron Man is probably my favorite super hero. It's somewhat politically tinged but regardless, It's a good movie. SO GO SEE IT!

Robin Hood
So, Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott are teaming up for another movie? Gladiator and American Gangster were excellent movies, so I'm expecting this to be worth seeing at the very least. It Comes out Friday May 14th.

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
I like Jake Gyllenhall, and I enjoyed the video game. I think it has a lot of potential. Knowing Jerry Bruckheimer, it will probably end up similar to pirates of the Caribbean, entertaining, but forgettable.

The Last Airbender
The trailer makes this movie look like it should be entertaining, It will be interesting to see if M. Night Shyamalan can redeem himself. It hits theaters July 2nd.